Monday, July 05, 2010

Tour Nine Canyon Wind Farm in Kennewick, WA

Nine Canyon Wind Farm Tour

On Friday, July 16th, a tour of the Nine Canyon Wind Project located in Kennewick, WA, is being organized. Traveling from Everett to Kennewick will require a little more than four hours of drive time. The tour runs from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM and includes a forty-five minute power point presentation and a walk to one of the turbines to see the inner workings and hear an explanation of the controls.

Energy Northwest requires a minimum of ten people to conduct the tour and we are currently looking for those who would be interested in carpooling to visit and learn about renewable energy in Washington State. There is no charge for the tour. Sixty-three turbines, some 200 feet tall, consisting of three 100 foot blades generate 96 MW of clean energy. Phase Three of the project, the latest addition to the farm, includes towers of 260’ and blades with 148 foot spans.

Please contact Gary Purves at  
click here for more info

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