Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bottled Beverage Company looking to open up facility in Everett

At Wednesday evening’s Everett City Council meeting, Steve Winter of Tethys Enterprises unveiled before the public his company’s proposal to start up a bottled beverage company in North Everett. Winter described the proposed facility as “environmentally responsible” which would utilize fully compostable bio-degradable plastic bottles. 

“This plant will position Everett as the global leader in environmentally responsible beverage manufacturing and distribution,” Winter said.

The proposed 1 million square foot facility could create up to 1,000 jobs with a projected payroll of over $61 million. 

“We have a great opportunity to have a very clean industry,” commented Mayor Ray Stephanson on Wednesday.

 click here to read more

1 comment:

Karen said...

Are you kidding me? I just had to laugh out loud.

“Environmentally Responsible” a Leader when it comes to bottling water?

Has anyone on the Everett City Council read or listened to what is going on in cities throughout the USA and Globally when it come to bottling water?

I personally thing more research needs to happen by the Everett City Council to way all the facts.

Here are some resources that should be considered:

Tapped the Movie