Thursday, March 05, 2009

What's Your Carbon Footprint?

Wednesday, March 11th
Snohomish County PUD

Everett Brown Bag Workshop

2320 California Avenue, Everett

11:30 am (networking lunch begins)

Noon to 1:30 p.m.

RSVP - Terri Hopper (425) 783-8275

Climate change and greenhouse gas management are receiving a lot of national attention. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions will affect the way we do business and how we build our communities. As our understanding of the impacts grow and more legislation is passed, more opportunities arise for each of us to help reduce greenhouse gases.

As a follow up to our feature article in the Winter 2009 Elements Newsletter, The Sustainable Development Task Force is offering a carbon footprint brown bag. Sharon Wright and Shannon Tocchini with HDR, Inc. will discuss greenhouse gas management and carbon footprint assessment. We will also present carbon footprint assessment examples and provide you with resources and tools you need to get started on your own path to reducing your carbon footprint.

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